Thursday, September 11, 2014

And Then We had Our 1st Hatch.

All of our first chicks were purchased as day old chicks until Mother's Day weekend when I got a fun little balls of fluff presents. 6 of the 7 eggs we gave to Pepper (who was the best Mama Hen!) hatched.
We ended up with 3 girls and 3 boys.

And yes those are ducks peeking out from behind in some of the pictures. Just two. 
They hang with the chickens. :)

That's it for 2014 babies.

Chicken Math

We have some new additions this year...

They say chickens are kinda like potato chips. You plan on 4 and then you just have to have this kind or that color and well suddenly that 4 multiplies a bit.      

We have two Easter Eggers (standard) and two Production Reds. Pretty brown eggs from the PRs almost every day for a couple weeks and we are expecting eggs any day from the two EEs.

A couple weeks after we got these babies we got more babies...
5 Polish, 2 Bantam Easter Eggers and a Buff Silkie.

Whoa... lots of pictures. More on the next post!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

First Egg!

One of my little bantam girls is an overachiever! 

17 weeks and we have a cute little egg!