Thursday, September 11, 2014

And Then We had Our 1st Hatch.

All of our first chicks were purchased as day old chicks until Mother's Day weekend when I got a fun little balls of fluff presents. 6 of the 7 eggs we gave to Pepper (who was the best Mama Hen!) hatched.
We ended up with 3 girls and 3 boys.

And yes those are ducks peeking out from behind in some of the pictures. Just two. 
They hang with the chickens. :)

That's it for 2014 babies.

Chicken Math

We have some new additions this year...

They say chickens are kinda like potato chips. You plan on 4 and then you just have to have this kind or that color and well suddenly that 4 multiplies a bit.      

We have two Easter Eggers (standard) and two Production Reds. Pretty brown eggs from the PRs almost every day for a couple weeks and we are expecting eggs any day from the two EEs.

A couple weeks after we got these babies we got more babies...
5 Polish, 2 Bantam Easter Eggers and a Buff Silkie.

Whoa... lots of pictures. More on the next post!