Friday, October 25, 2013

Everyone Needs a Name

The chicks are a week old.
Now that we know each other a little better it was naming time. 

The Bantam Cochins

The Bantam Easter Eggers

The Silkies

The Bantam D'uccles

Have a great day!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 2 Baby Pictures

Here are some day 2 pictures of the feathered babies.

Have a great day!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Chicks In The House!

10.17.2013 7:15am.
 The post offices calls to tell me I have a peeping box to pick up.
... the adventure begins.

In this little box sits 3 Silkies, 3 Bantam D'uccles, 3 Bantam Old English, 6 Bantam Easter Eggers and 6 Bantam Cochins. I ordered assortments of the different breeds (I let the hatchery pick an assortment of colors for me) I was having a hard time deciding colors so I went with "let them pick for me". I ordered my chicks from Ideal Poultry and they did a great job picking a variety of colors.The chicks all arrived happy and healthy.

I converted a XL wire dog crate that we had here for a starter brooder. I added some cardboard around the inside to keep the mess contained and the heat in. I also added some plastic mesh around the outside because the cage wire was a little too wide (didn't want to go on any chick hunts).

Have a great day!